I got into a conversation with another bowhunter from Florida who claims he is having his worst bow season in recent memory. He said, "I usually kill between 5-7 bucks a year". Ummm. At first I did not believe him, but then I read up on the Florida DNR website. I cannot find anything that shows a seasonal limit for deer. I could only find this in regards to the archery, muzzloader, and general firearms seasons: Daily bag and possession limits:Antlered deer—daily limit two, possessionlimit four. Any Florida hunters care to wage in on this.....because if this is true...wow.
Florida does have a few big bucks. Gary Borland proved that South Florida has some good bucks when he downed this 155 2/8 B&C buck in Martin County last year. Photo courtesy of Gary Borland Just checked, state record typical is 168 4/8. Non typical is 206. But I do agree, that bag limit is pointless if quality bucks is a goal.
Hey Brett...do you remember when VA had no limit on bucks either? (in the high population counties) You got 2 antlered deer tags, and 3 antlerless tags with the base license, and then for $12 you could buy "bonus tags" which was 2 tags, one buck/one doe. You could buy as many as you wanted, just fork over the $. I know guys that killed 8-10 bucks a year back then (mid/late 90's) and NO does. Wonder why our pop got so whacked.... At least its down to 3 now....but would be nicer if it went to 2. It probably never will though, too many deer.
I don't remember those days too well Mike....I was in college and full of beer, and was just trying to kill "a" deer.