My older boys are responsible enough they could do it. They are only seven. They already know how to operate a cash drawer and give correct change from doing the cookie stand fundraiser we do every year to support the nonprofit that helped us adopt our middle son.
Yeah, so my dad had me working the cash register at his liquor/sporting goods (guns and ammo) store when I was 10 years old. He would run to the bank or hardware store and leave me on duty. 1984 was an awesome year to be a kid, lol.
Liquor/ guns and ammo?? That seems like a strange combination to sell at the same store. Sent from my iPhone using Forums
Missouri small town diversity or my dad liked to drink, hunt and shoot stuff. This other guy saw what my dad was doing and went back home and started selling fishing lures in his dads liquor store, pretty sure he did alright.
Sounds like the barber shop in town, you can get a hair cut,buy a gun or get one fixed, pick up a dozen eggs, or some maple syrup. Also have a beer with an old timer while you wait to get your hair cut.
Willy the barber is a licensed gun dealer. I have him looking for a 44 trapper rifle that is pretty much a 44 revolver with a 16" barrel and a stock. Winchester made them. I really don't need it but I want one.