Back when I was managing a shopping mall we had a guy come in to our office to fill out an application for a maintenance job. He sits down and begins filling out the application and after a while he looks up and asks the secretary what we meant with the question about any "organizations, clubs, and associations you are a member of". She gives a few examples such as rotary club, habitat for humanity, community softball league, etc.. he thanks her and resumes filling out the application. A minute or so goes by and he asks her, "how do you spell alcoholic?" she is somewhat confused, but goes ahead and spells it out for him and again he thanks her and writes it down. A few seconds later he asks her, "how do you spell anonymous?" True story
I Got my mom and brother a weekend stay at Appledorns Resort on Mille Lacs for Mother’s Day weekend. 2 fishing launches tomorrow. Cheers to the weekend everyone. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk