I like to crest my own arrows and just wondering if the fletching tape will adhere to the paint well? (I generally just use the cheap Wally World spray paint in white and model paint for the stripes/design.) Thanks, Bobby
Bobby, I have crested many arrows using the same paint and used nothing but Duco cement! The stuff is cheap, under $2.00 a tube and can be found locally at hardware stores! I've never lost feathers even on a pass thru and used it on wood and carbon arrows!
I've used fletching tape on painted wood shafts, carbons and fiberglass. I've also used contact paper from wally world as a crown and the tape works fine on it also. I've had really good luck using the tape but continue to used a dob of glue at each end of the feather. woodsman
Thanks guys. BHF, I tried the Duco once and it made my model paint run. Maybe I did not let it dry long enough. I had already got a roll of Bohning tape from 3Rivers, and then I am in Academy Sporting Goods the other day and they had it marked down to $2.88 a roll. I will never use all this tape any time soon. Thanks for the tips woodsman. Never thought of the contact paper. Does that add a lot of weight? I am shooting for Max FOC with my arras, so I want to stay as light as possible on the tail end. This is all great info for me. Thanks, Bobby
Did you say Bohning Fletching tape $2.88 a roll , good grief i just payed the equivelant of $10 for 1 roll in UK . RIP OFF BRITAIN . You get any spare .
Here's a tip: If you use reflective tape as an arrow wrap you can easily find your arrow after the shot, after dark using your flashlight. The fletch tape will adhere to the tape well or glue.
I know Rybo. I am going back tomorrow and get what they had left. (About 8 or 10 rolls) I paid like $8 at 3Rivers Bails. I will post how many rolls I get and if anyone needs any I will send it to you for free. I like to share too.:d Bobby
A lot of people love the tape. I had not had their luck though. I use glue that I can get at the local hobby shop. If you're interested in it let me know and I'll do a little digging. It's much, much cheaper then crazy glue and takes a little longer to set up, but it bonds as well.
Guys, I just picked up 12 rolls at $2.88 a roll. If you will PM me your address, I will mail free of charge. (1 roll per customer please.:d ) They had about 12 rolls left and if it is still there by Thurs.(Payday) I will pick that up as well. Heck, I figure someone can use it. I have 6 rolls for myself. That will take a while to use up. Bobby
Bobby , forward 2 too Russ if you can my good fellow . He,s gonna send them over with my ever growing package , that sounds really bad doesn't it . You know what i mean Fella . Thanks