Luckily i dont have to worry too much about the poisonous nope ropes. If i did...really bright light. Sent from my SM-G960U using Forums mobile app
You have nope ropes in MO, my brother did his grad work on them in Oregon MO (massasauga rattlesnake)... He became 'the snake guy' of the county and has all sorts of great stories.
I have a Smith & Wesson flashlight with both the green and red light option. The green is pretty bright so I use it on the walk out but I use the red when going Tactical sloth in the early morning.
Fo sho. I ran into two cottonmouths in one spot on public and i I definitely use a light accross that levee. I have never seen a poisonous one on my home spot tho, so i dont worry...too much. Sent from my SM-G960U using Forums mobile app
I hunt southern MO and we have cooperhead, cotton mouth and rattlers as well as bear, feral hogs,coyotes, cougar and bobcats. 4 years ago I stepped on a copperhead sneaking to my stand with a red light on. Since then, it’s bright white only for me until at least the second hard frost. I’ll chance bumping a few pre-dawn deer Sent from my iPhone using Forums
I have killed 34 cotton mouths this summer on my hunting grounds. That's low, its normally in the 50's by now. Sent from my SM-G950U using Tapatalk
Is that legal? lol Not that I care or that it’s my business just curious. Sent from my iPhone using Forums
I use a white light with it pointed down when I hunt close to the swampy areas of our property. All other locations I use a red or green light, whichever one I grab out the truck.
When I am hunting a property that I don't know well, I use a red light attached to my hat. Other than that, I never use a flashlight going in or out on property I know.
The deer knows you are human without any light at all. IMO the light means noting to them, they knew you were human before any light "bopped around" or hit there eyes.
To be honest I disagree with both of ya'll. But that's for another post. Sent from my SM-G950U using Tapatalk
I use red light at work so I'm used to it and it's what my headlamps have. So I either use red or white depending on how much light I need. Sent from my SM-G960U using Forums mobile app
I read a post from Justin a couple of years ago discussing why he walks in with, as he put it, “a hellabright light”. I started doing that last season and it didn’t impact my season at all. I actually had my beat season ever. In some of the more wooly places I hunt I walk in with my super bright Streamlight beaming away and still have deer under me 15 minutes after getting set up. I gave up on trying to pick my way through the woods with a dim green or red light a long time ago.
I can't understand why people are still using gas lamps or anything else; it smells bad, is not ecological, and is more expensive than electricity. I'm always using electric lights, they're at an accessible price and have a long life, surely not all, but most of them are if you choose the right one. Recently I bought a nice flashlight; it's compact, has a long life battery, its price is reasonable, and is water resistant; I recommend it
LOL.. I disagree that deer know your human without a light...I have experiences that prove other wise. Just one I'm walking in and can hear and see just outline of deer. At the time we had several 4' white spruce planted I was walking by. I hear a snort stomp and stomp back then lay my bow down and squat into a kneeling position head down. I was trying to not look human and blend into pines. Now I was thinking they'll just walk off. No ,next thing I know I hear stiff legged thumping coming toward me. I don't try to look up and stay still hoping doe or buck they'd lose interest. No, I have a tine sliding past my face along the ground and a buck literally snorts in my ear and explodes away. Let me just say,NEVER DID THAT AGAIN! He ran, I grabbed bow and ran to stand. Not ten minutes later a hell of a fight breaks out and two huge buck come in fighting right under my stand. More than once since I've had to scream at charging buck while walking into my stands and coming home in the dark. No I do not put scent on me...though admittedly there was a time I would leave my hunting clothes in the goat barn. Anyhow....look around at night, deer see car head lights, they see red tail lights, house lights, blinking tower lights. Unless in deep big woods hunting, for me lights now are for the trespassers. It's fun watching guys coming at you in the dark trespassing with their lamps on...then you suddenly flash them with yours...hahaha it just makes my day watching reactions.
Personally, I've been using Streamlight's red light from basically ever since I've started hunting, but I think normal or green would work just fine, matter of preference.