We'll who is using a decoy this year and most importantly who has used the Flambeau Boss Buck or equivalent? Did you feel like using the decoy made a difference? How did it perform? What changes should be made?
Todd- I didn't see any decoy's on the website so I figured they were all junk and bowhunting.com wasn't recommending any of them! LOL
Todd you know me I will be decoying for sure this year but it will be with the new scareface which has the bobble head. My only complaint is it is alittle on the small size but our old Tater baiter was small also. I set scareface up in the back yard and was really impressed by the movement of the head and the tail is a synthectic(spelling) material and moves really good too. The only trick I have been taught is to only use 1 antler that way the little bucks just walk around it and don't blow the set. It has worked for me so many times during the rut I wont be out with out it. Walt
I am eager to try a buck decoy this year. I have had decent success with flambeau's doe decoy, and in my opinion the flambeau big boss buck is by far the best looking decoy. And fleet farm has them on sale right now for 109.00
Just finished assembling my Flambeau Boss Buck I picked up today. At first glance this thing is large. Looks like the body of a real buck laying there. All the legs,ears,head were wrapped individually and tucked inside the body. Paint job was very bright and nice looking. The legs all assemble in a pocket like most decoys and give them a 1/2 turn they were in tight. I had no problems what so ever assembling this decoy total assembly 2 minutes. I stood it up and it balanced nicely. There are small eyelets on all four feet to steak or tie down if needed. The rack is a 120" 8 point which the brow tines kinda lean forward which I thought was kind of odd. But should would only be noticeable to the human eye. Comes with a orange carry strap that attaches quickly underneath the belly for easy transport. Tip: Like all the other decoys I will wrap the parts in a towel or blanket to keep the noise down when going in the field. Here are a few pics. Keep you updated on what I experience in the field.
Funny thing, I was thinking about decoys on my way into work this morning. I have two particular areas that I hunt which are small hidden corn fields that are perfect for decoys once the corn is down in November. I was thinking about the Boss Buck, but that thing is seriously huge. I can't remember seeing many deer on this farm with bodies that big, so I think I'm going to pass on it and go the Scarface route like Wally. I really liked the movement of the head and tail, and it wasn't so large that it intimidated even me looking at it. If I was hunting a well managed farm with known megabucks on it, I'd probably be more inclined to try out the Boss Buck.
Holy hugeness! I'd think that would scare off most bucks. I look forward to your updates on it's use.
Wow, that definetly doesn't look that big when you see it in a catalog or on line. Glad I got to see the pictures. I was planning on getting one for my property in WV. I might have to reconsider based on the size now.
I am kicking the idea of trying this but knowing some of these hicks from Illinois that live in Wisconsin now they might just take a pot shot.
Just because of that comment I think you really should go get one! You will come over to my place one day to find it's head up on my basement wall!!!!