Hell with it tomorrow I am bringing the boat to the carwash after work, get it washed and waxed grease the trailer bearings, get the rods in the locker and organized.
Forgot what a pain it is to get my boat back in the garage. My shop is a 2-1/2 car garage but only has one garage door, so getting the second boat in is a bit of a challenge.
My son wanted to post his recent bass from the creek we walk often. Clear shallow water, the bass are sensitive to colors, etc. He changed grubs about 5 times before he got this guy to bite. He was damn proud.
Yes and it is frustrating. I can not crack a whip but tie a $5 fly on and I can crack that whip and destroy the fly.
I got a few buddies who are into it and are trying to get me to buy a rod, I was even gifted a free reel but i have never tried to cast one of those things. I think i rather fish a spinning rod and toss a spoon.