Today is going to be a good day, front moving in I will be out at prime time. I am going to give it heck for at least 2 hours.
Ever have one of those days were you are catching fish sorting thru and only catch a few keepers so you throw them back, then before you quit you catch more keepers but you threw all the others back, could have caught a meal. What is the point of catch and release ice fishing?
I fished my pond for the first time this winter on Saturday and had a lot of fun with my oldest son and a couple of his friends. We caught a lot of fish and had nice warm weather so did not even use a shelter. I caught 7 rainbows and dozens of bluegills. All were released to fight again.
We do it a bit differently in Minnesota, it is called ice drinking and we are all out to catch something to have with hash browns and coleslaw on a bun.
We may have had a beverage or two and a friend had just given me 50 fresh bluegill fillets, so we basically did the same thing without the hash browns and coleslaw. But, that sounds like something I need in my life.
Putting together a trip to Navarre, FL in late April to do some surf fishing. I could've booked it already if I wasn't waiting on my buddies/buddy's wives to make a decision. The wives aren't invited.
I got invited over to a neighbors fish house last night, it was ice drinking. I believe I over served myself. Caught some nice crappies but my truck is stuck on the road to the house. Headed out today with the grandson, grandpa got him an underwater camera so instead of staring at a hole he can see what is going on.
Cameras suck you get to watch fish stare down your lure. Watched a walleye just sit and stare. Slow day but I avoided the skunk.
I did that once Sota. Found out my friend left about a hundred (Really) empty cans of beer in it. That ended that.
Well I am not an idiot so there is that, leave no trace, and when I get invited I bring a pizza and a bottle of whiskey. I even bring ice and glass tumblers.
Let's go, if I host a BHOD event Jake gets the master guest suite. (only because the room is filled with Packer stuff, down to the Bart Star light switch cover)