I saw this and thought maybe you guys had some good names. Back in the day I had the same boat that James Bond jumped over a road. A Glastron GT150, a 15' boat with a 90 hp merc. I called it the Puddle Jumper.
My parents always chose dumb names (I thought) for their boats, then again I did not care for the big floating RV's. Always was a little disgusted having to talk to a lock tender, or a bridge tender and use the boat name, like nice aft, what's the point, what's next. I refuse to name anything that can not respond me to calling by it's given name.
Going to get back at it today, wedge myself in the kayak. Still sore from yesterday but the fishing is supposed to be good today.
Fishing has been a bit slower so far this week, moon phase is not my friend, only one tide per day and not much movement in level. Static weather, static tides. Still burning thru the shrimp but my wife and I have not had a double on yet this week. She did have a fish on before I changed hooks and got baited up yesterday, ladies first is BS.
So went to the bait shop no shrimp, went to bait store 2 no shrimp but they had salt water shiners. Thing is every fish in the gulf will eat shrimp, not everything will eat minnows. Slower day but bigger fish. My wife hooked into a jack, I folded my rod, tucked it away pulled and stashed the anchor and started paddling and chasing the fish. She set her timer over 20 minute battle on 8 pound mono line landed it with no landing net, most fun we have had with our clothes on in years.
So today we got a low tide and 4 dozen shrimp. We ended up ditching the kayak and hunkering close to mangrove shrubs and casting into the flow between the barnacle reefs. Sight casting with shrimp to redfish and snook was a big time. Had a fish on that ran for 30 seconds straight and all I got back was a hook with the curve bent closed on a #1 circle hook.
Sounds like youre having a great time Sota! Enjoy your timee with the old lady! Although i already know you are.
My wife really really likes it down here she could stay for a month I have been ready to go home since yesterday. The things I do for her.
Went looking for a fish dinner yesterday and this happened. There was ice around the edge of pond when I got there at day light. I went for crappie and ended up with bluegill. I also caught 5 bass 12-16 inches long. All were on 1/32 jigs tipped with bee mouth. No slabs but they will eat good!
Brings back memories. Many years ago when I was probably 8 years old my dad thought I was old enough to handle a pocket knife without losing a finger.....guess what he had me doing? At first I was psyched to use a pocket knife for the first time. Welcome to manhood or so I thought! That excitement wore off quickly as the golden rod “bulbs” continued to be stacked up on the table in front of me waiting to be split open. Brutal!
Debating when I want to bring the boat into the car wash for a preseason scrub. Do I wait for a day with dry roads and do it now? If I wait another week or two I will be waiting another week or two because my driveway will be a creek and then just mud.