No, our bass are only about 10 to 12 inches so far. It will be a few years before we can hope for fish like that from our pond.
Probably the most crazy, high odds thing I've ever seen fishing was when I was a kid, around 12 or so. Dad, Mom, Uncle and Aunt, cousins, and my Grandpa Tim were all fishing. We were at a lake fishing for trout, using bait on the bottom. Grandpa got a bite and hooked it, proceeded to reel it in. There was a bit of a bank that Grandpa couldn't go down, so I went down to wait at the water's edge to land the fish. When I got a hold of the fish, I brought it up the bank and called everyone over. It was about a 10" Rainbow, nothing exceptional about the size of the fish. There was a hook in the fish's mouth where someone else had hooked it and then broke their line off. When the fish hit Grandpa's bait and he set the hook, he missed getting his hook into the fish's mouth, but the tip of his hook managed to find its way into the tiny eyelet of the other hook. Only about a 1/4" of Grandpa's hook tip fit into the eyelet. Grandpa's being grandpa's, he really talked it up to us kids about how only a master could reel in a fish that way and never allow enough slack for it to get off.
When I was about 14 years old, my family was on vacation at a resort owned by the company that my father worked for. It was on a lake and each cabin had a dock with a 14' boat to use. Early one morning I rowed out a little way from the docks and anchored. There was submerged brush pile where I planned on fishing. After fishing for a while I snagged some brush with a lure I was using. I was working to try and free myself from the snag without losing the lure. Suddenly it came free and as I was reeling it up the rod started bouncing around like I had a fish on the line. I reeled in a branch that had another fisherman's line wrapped around it complete with a largemouth bass on the other end of that line! Wow!
Just a warning to be careful out there. A New York ice fisherman was having an incredible day catching pike, and kept 12 pike which is way above the daily limit of 5. The fisherman managed to get back to his Grand Marquis car and put all his gear and these 12 pike in the trunk, and started driving away for home when he was pulled over about 1/4 mile away from the fishing spot by the game warden. The warden told the fisherman that he had been observing him fishing throughout the day and wanted to check the trunk of the car. The game warden saw all of those pike and issued a ticket for having elevated levels of fish in a Mercury !
Watching the ice break up with the wind blowing ice will be off the dock and the pontoon will be in for mothers day. The wind is pushing the break away chunks towards the island in the bay, bet trees will be leveled.
Pulled my boat out of storage this weekend and got it charged up. Unless something drastic changes with my schedule, I'm going to duck out of work early on Thursday afternoon and go fish for a couple of hours before dark. The forecast says 88 which is a touch warm for May, but beggars can't be choosers and I'm going to enjoy every second of it. Fishing time is going to be at a premium this year.
Has anyone ever had a replica of a bass made? It is too late to mount the bass my son caught this past weekend since I cut it up for the freezer. But, I am toying with the idea of having a replica made if it is not too expensive.
Fished for 4 hrs. Caught a largemouth and maybe 8 smallies. Mayne 3 or so between 14 and 17 inches. Needed this today.
My first time calling in sick and not being sick in over 23 years. My buddy booked a striper charter. Not a great pic but I’m waiting for him to send me the other ones. This one was one of the average ones we caught. Be boated 21 total for 4 guys. I was lucky enough to land the biggest I’ll post that pic later she was 45 inches.