My boat is still shrink-wrapped in storage and with this current weather pattern and my kids' sports schedule I'm not sure when it's coming out. Hopefully, we get a dry stretch in the next week or two so I can at least pull it out and start thinking about getting on the water. I'm getting the itch.
Gearing up for Monday. Will be the first day of fishing since last September I believe. Headed to the river with my buddy to hunt for some nesting smallies. Should be great weather the next few days.
Good luck. Best time of year to catch a really nice one, those big females are really aggressive when something gets close to their nest.
We ended up catching 8 smallies in about 5 hrs of fishing. We had a lot of fun. My buddy caught the best one of the day right out of the gate.
Boat repairs are almost done. Waiting on the depth finder to be delivered to finish it up. Before repairs start. Almost done...
Smallest just look "handsome. They can become quite tame while scuba diving. Fun feeding them crawfish.
Minnesota Smallies sent to AZ going to a show in MO can't share pics till after the final but the guy doing the work is a genius, a savant. His last entry in competition took 3rd place in the world show with a south shore lake superior rainbow
Lake of the Woods is going to push for latest ice out since they started recording it. Still 30" of ice on the main lake.
It is depressing I drive by lakes on the way to work they have docks in, nope not mine still 90% ice covered.
My son and I hit up a pond over our lunch hour today and the bass were on fire! We caught over 40 in 45 minutes of fishing. We were standing right next to each other and caught these two nice ones at the same time so snapped a quick picture to share. Best lunch hour I have spent in a very long time. lol
On April 18, 2017, it was not about the size of the fish. It was about the memories. The rod was given to me by dad for my 10th birthday. This catfish stole my rod while I was helping one of my boys bait his hook. The entire rod went into the water. Fortunately, the bobber stayed up and after about 30 minutes I was able to catch the bobber with a different rod. Saved my rod and caught the fish.
I once had an unattended rod go down while ice fishing one year. Took 3 of us about 2 hours but we finally caught it and got it back up.
I caught mine on a #3 Mepps with an orange rubber skirt and he caught most of his on a red shallow running crankbait. We caught a couple on plastic swim baits. I think they would hit just about anything that came across their path to be honest.