Well crap, with all the snow we got recently all the lakes in the area are flooded water under the snow above the ice. On the bright side the lakes could use a year off of getting the crappies and walleyes pounded.
Still some work todo. Roll cast is dialed, backhanded casts were good. First cast found a branch, whipped 1 fly off, broke one fly on a rock.
It's weird I have an old 70's fiberglass rod I do have old weight forward line on it, cast bumblebee flies off the dock catch bigger sunfish than other baits. No trout fishing near me.
Saturday we are having a fish fry for supper featuring fresh caught crappies. If the fish don't bite it may be frozen pizza. Time to bring the Grandson fishing, he is excellent at grabbing a wax worm.
I don't think I ever shared the build process of my house from last year. I'll have to do that sometime. Sent from my SM-G970U using Tapatalk
Travis where the hell is the snow? Tomorrow to get to the spot we will have to do a wheeler path before we try to pull the portable, hope the water is froze. Nobody is on the lake and that is not normal.
I have my inline reel for jigging ready to go, I still have to rig a bobber rod for the left hole in the house. Weird here crappies bite during the day on wax worms, bite shuts off around 4. Probably should try minnow fishing around dark, but we usually have enough fish for a meal before then.
Waiting for daylight to go drill some test holes to see if it floods, like to think enduring the highs below zero will improve the conditions.