They might be a bit more expensive. If you get an experienced person to help you, its worth it. If you have to do all the research yourself, then the only advantage is in the ability to return it and find something else a bit more quickly.
Batteries plus will have a limited stock Of that kind of a specialty battery. I would get dimensions and then likely order from Dakota lithium.
Dropped the boat off to get serviced, winterized, shrink-wrapped, and stored for the season. Now I need to go buy some ice fishing gear before it's all sold out again.
Good luck with all that. My neighbor has been calling all over the state trying to get 12 gauge slugs.
I was in the local tackle shop the other weekend and he was stocked up, so I think we'll be okay if we get in early. Ammo is a whole different story. We sell steel shot at our hunt club and we haven't been able to get anything in months. We have someone that calls all of our suppliers daily and it's a no-go. And if you do find something it's super expensive.
Got a new Marcum MX7-gps to play with this year so starting to look forward to fishing. Would like to shoot a few more pheasants first though.
We are looking at 60 degrees (been in the upper 30 to low 40's for a few days) today with 55 mph gusts. What ever ice has formed is in danger today. Yet there WILL be some idiot pulled off the ice out of the water this weekend. Those idiots should be billed for there rescue
I think Minnesota is at 3 people this year so far thru the ice. Again if you are the only person out on the ice you are a fool.
Some fools trust an inch of ice. I don't trust 3 inches on my 2 acre pond. There are at least a dozen springs that weaken the ice. Brother in law wanted to fish it until I showed him pics of the springs before the snow covered the ice. Guess he is not as big an idiot as I took him for. He did say he would wait.
There were 4 holes in the ice last friday, evidently they quit fishing when the last hole they cut water gushed out and flooded the ice, this was before there was any snow on the lake. My neighbor told me that there was a guy out walking on the lake last Thursday. The lake froze shut Wednesday night. I love crappies thru the ice but not enough to swim for them.