Somewhat of a slow morning but we did catch about 10 fish...only 3 smallies. I did miss one good one. Spit it out. It was only 50 degrees and the water cold. It's about 75 degrees now so I'm hoping that gets em going. Here we go! Sara spook or bust.
I was going to put my boat up, but it looks like it's going to be warmer than usual for at least the next 10 days. I may just keep it out and go fishing instead of hunting until the weather cools off.
Man the bite was pretty slow in the afternoon. My buddy caught about 4 or 5 small mouth up to about 15". I caught one hammer Smalley and lost an even bigger 1 right in front of him. So only caught 1 fish the entire afternoon but it was a dandy. Time to focus on Bo hunting starting tomorrow.
This 80 something degree weather makes me not even want to hunt this afternoon and go after some small mouth again
I tied on a buzz bait this morning for a few casts. Not ideal conditions for top water but I tried. I made the spastic mistake when fishing topwater, fish hit and I tried to set the hook too early. Nothing worse than having a fish on just long enough to feel that the fish has some mass to it.
I decided I am going to throw some more casts between showers. I have had a rat in my tackle box for a while going to give it a try.
There are only 3 people I will let net fish. One is my wife. The other 2, if I'm being honest, might be better than me. I've lost ONE fish at the net and that was in the dark with a crappy head lamp. And that one haunts me still. The next fish I netted was 26 pounds. The one I lost was far larger. But on the bright side, my financial advisor finally saw the wisdom of underwater lights on the transom. No more head lamp needed.
If all goes to plan, I will be fishing in Ontario next week on LOW. A huge musky is on my bucket list and the Fall is supposed to be a good time to get a trophy. The largest I have caught is a 42" and I would love to catch a 50" or better. Sounds like the walleye are on fire also. I normally start bowhunting that week every year, but I could not pass up this opportunity to fish when they are having such a late Fall with amazing weather.
Buddy of mine asked me to install new eyes on one of his surf rods. Rod is prepped and ready for wrapping. Also have 2 surf rods to custom build for my older brother. Sent from my SM-G781V using Tapatalk
Took the family on a charter out of Destin this morning. It was a little slow, but everyone in our group of 13 caught at least one fish. Mainly mackerel, bonito, and trigger fish. My wife caught the only snapper. Unfortunately, it was too small and had to be thrown back.
Where is the best place to purchase a rechargeable lithium battery for my depth finder? I need to get dimensions of the enclosure before I order but is batteries plus as good as online?