A few weeks ago I met my buddy on some unknown river to both of us and he caught his first smallmouth. A nice 14 incher or so and it fought like hell. He was hooked. Well we met up yesterday on my home turf of a river and I told him I'm gonna help him catch some big ones. Morning goes by and he hadnt caught a thing. I caught 3 smallies in the morning, all between 16 and 18 inches. So we got some food and headed back in for the last five hours of the day. He finally got in a grove and we started hammering them. Mainly on topwater. He was hooting and hollering when his 2lb braided line was screaming with 17 and 18 inch small mouths. All in all we walked a good 7 to 8 miles, baked our butts in the sun, and had a blast. I slept like a child last night. One of his good ones....
Nature is fantastic therapy when needed, and cheaper than a therapist. Hope you find what you are looking for, and an 18+ smallie.
Looks like God waved his hand and pushed the worst of the storms west. I might get in 4 to 5 decent hours. 20 inch smallmouth or bust!
Took the fish and ski boat over to the farm last night, the pontoon is headed to the farm tonight. No more fishing till the ice goes on.
Last fishing trip coming up this weekend. We also fished last weekend and my son caught the second biggest fish of the season. We spent several hours trying to find fish, we finally found them in 26 foot of water behind anything that would break current on the bottom.
Rained hard off and on. Missed 2 legit giants. Ughh. But caught some good ones including a fish species I've never caught. He smacked a topwater.
My buddy and I are going on one last small mouth fishing adventure tomorrow, the day before bow season. We're gonna fish all day with top waters and let it rip to see if we can catch a citation.
Your unknown fish above almost looks like a whitefish possibly? And how would you catch a citation? Is there some weird law that you can't use topwater all day?
Here in Idaho a citation means you and the local game warden didn't see the rules the same. Never ever heard that, what a strange saying.
If I catch a real "citation", that wouldnt be good for my employment. Lol. Sota...tomorrow afternoon I'm putting on a big Zara spook in your honor to close out my fishing year.
I think when I get home I might just throw a spook on and make some casts if it is not too windy. Heck I have not fished with the bumblebee fly in a couple weeks might do that too. Wife has a school board meeting tonight and it is going to be 80 today.