You all have any suggestions on telescopic fishing poles? Want to get a couple for my son and I so we can hike and fish. Thanks.
I got the fish measuring plate mounted and the transducer mounted. PO used gobs of silicone calk because he drilled the holes too large for the mounting bracket. Picking up the new spark plugs this afternoon only 4 months till open water.
Well I spent all of my $400 on the cabelas gift card. Now all I have to do is wait for the big sports show in Minneapolis to stock up on the jigs I need for Mille Lacs.
The 3 stages of losing a big fish as told by Chris Farley (made by yours truly). Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
We kept 7 of 10 that we caught. A quick morning of fishing before hockey practice. All caught in 90 minutes.
Found a guy that is going to make me some crappie jigs trying to replicate the lindy little Joe crappie queen jigs.
I know the feeling of trying to find something that was deadly on fish that is no longer being made. Marathon made "Rattlesnake" spoons. They are deadly on German Brown trout. I see them on ebay from time to time. God, some people think that by putting "vintage" in front of the item, it is magically worth 25 clams.