I haven't been able to get out the past two weekends - too busy w/kids sports and the weather has sucked. Going to spend 4-5 days back in Northern MI over the 4th weekend. Hoping to get into a few fish and enjoy some lake time without 1,000 other boats around.
New pond construction should be done this week. Then I will have to get busy putting in the structure. I am going to put in some rock piles and reefs and some piles of broken concrete along with pallets and intake tubes anchored to the bottom. I hope to get all of that done before it gets much water in it and then mark everything with GPS.
We got in a couple of days of trout fishing in Montana. I had to give up the family title of biggest rainbow to my oldest son, 22” long and just under 4lbs. First evening everyone caught one in the short 45 minute trip after dinner. Last night, we only caught the big one. My youngest got his first trout with a little help from me.
Largemouth bass, bluegill, hybrid bluegill, black crappie and perch. I just got back from meeting with the builder and they are putting on the finishing touches today. They are pushing up some humps and putting in some ledges that we will cover with gravel and structure and I had him add a small cove of 3' deep that I will line the bottom with gravel for spawning beds.
Nice work, guys! That's a sweet pond, fletch. I got back in last night from 5 days in Upper MI with the family. We didn't fish as much as we usually do, but that's okay. Spent a little extra time with the wife and kiddos doing some swimming and relaxing. Fished a couple of times on our "old standby" largemouth lake. Put 20-ish fish in the boat each day, but nothing over 2 lbs. Our last trip out we went for smallies on a large reservoir. We caught a bunch of them, but mostly all little guys again. We did catch about a dozen of the biggest rock bass I've ever seen. Those little suckers were on fire. All in all, not a terrible trip and there could certainly be worse ways to spend our time! We have two more weekends of baseball tournaments and then we're done for a while. Hopefully, when things die down a bit in August I can make my way to some other local lakes I've wanted to check out.
Yeah the fishing off the dock has shut off, but hey there are no weeds anywhere near the dock anymore.
Without the weeds, you probably wont have nearly as many fish hanging out there in the summer. The weeds are the cover they want right now.
The grandson and daughter enjoy floating on the lilly pad tethered to the dock, weeds hinder their enjoyment so the weeds were removed by a contractor and the area was treated.
I can understand that. It's just a shame that it will end your fun of fishing from the dock. But, you can't have both, so your kids and grandkids win this one. lol.
To be honest I have not spent much time fishing this year, I have run to the bait shop several times, straightened out tangled fish line, taken fish off the hook and cleaned them and lugged the kayaks but not actually fished.
Took the kayak out on the small lake behind our house with my 2 year old son. We caught 6 in an hour. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
This is the first fish he ever caught. He did the jigging and the reeling. I just held the pole Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk