Got the kids out together to fish. First time in a long time my son has tagged along. No big ones but we caught a lot.
Closed out father's day with a big cat on the fly rod with the family around and my youngest was right beside me. My dog, Pepper, is obsessed with anything that comes out of that pond and is patiently waiting her turn to lick the dang thing. Had a good day. Hope all you fellow dads had good days too. Sent from my SM-G960U using Forums mobile app
most of the time we catch and release, I didn't bring beer not sure how that would change my manhood.
Fishing has become more and more of a passion for me the last few years. This weekend I made a deal that has been a dream of mine for a very long time. I am buying a 40 acre piece that has a big drainage through it and I had a contractor look it over for building a pond. He thought we could get around 4 acres of water. Not huge, but a decent sized fishing pond and in an area that will be great for goose hunting also. There should also be some good deer hunting in this area. It sounds like the pond project could start as early as August, so looking forward to designing it with fishing in mind. I am open to any tips you may know. My oldest son has already started gutting an old 12' Lund aluminum boat I have to build a mini bass boat for the pond. lol. I'm pretty pumped about his excitement also. Fish pictures to follow later......much later.
Sweet! Can't remember where you're at in Iowa but do you get good ice long enough for good ice fishing?
I am in the far Southern part of the state so it depends on the winter, but we have had good fishable ice the last couple of years at times and catch a lot of crappie and bluegill through the ice. Two winters ago was the first ice fishing I had done in about 30 years and really got the bug again. Those panfish taste amazing when they come out of that cold water and immediately get "put on ice". The new pond will have panfish, bass and walleye.
To me there is absolutely nothing better than ice fishing! I'm currently in the middle of re doing a 7x16' house that I bought in March. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Found a new 50 acre lake or so. I couldnt believe I was the only one fishing it yesterday. Picked up about 10 bass in the 12 to 15 inch range. Nothing big but constant action for two hours.
Wanting to do a Lake Erie Walleye Charter for my birthday mid to late July time frame. Anyone know of a good captain out of Port Clinton with a smaller boat for say 3 anglers?
The week of July 13th I will spend a whole glorious week on the North Fork of the Clearwater River enticing Cutthroat to hit a dry fly, can't wait.
Daughter and I took the mountain bikes and peddled a mile. Found a cool spot and she caught a bunch of smaller fish. Then I started catching 2 and 3 lb bass. Right after that my daughter locked into her first 5 lb bass. She pulled it all the way to the rock we were standing on in the river and then it pulled her over a log and snapped her off. She stood there in shock. I calmly told her...crap like that is why we fish. We both busted out laughing. Later in the trip my idiot daughter sprayed me between the eyes with the bug spray instead of spraying my hat. Lol. Such a cool place.
My boat will be in the water today and will be tied to my dock tonight, so excited to wake up tomorrow pour a cup of coffee and walk down and take a slow ride around the lake listen to loons, smell the 2 stroke.