My biggest " eye" was caught on a pink Phelps Floater. Pink is my go to color. About 10_12 years ago, my brother, stepfather and me caught 14 " eyes" over 27" on a hot 4 the of July day trolling slowly with pink floaters/ leaches n crawlers.
Will not be fishing the opener saturday not even a late afternoon trip. Kinda sad but opportunity cost.
Tearing the crappie up here in Illinois. Spawn is on. Having trouble locating the monsters but catching a lot of 10-12” ers
Going to be a chilly opening morning that's for sure! I don't have the fancy fishing bibs/jackets so I've got my rifle hunting clothes out. The whole damn suit. 10+mph winds on Leech lake and 32 degrees is going to be brutal.
I was really, really looking forward to hitting the grouper this weekend but it doesn’t look like that’s going to happen. 8-10’ swells don’t make for easy fishing but they’re do-able but getting out there is another story. Seas like that make for a pretty punishing ride and I really don’t like going out that far by myself on a calm day. I would absolutely do it if I could convince somebody to go with me, but it’s a pretty hard sell when getting there is going to require an hour and a half pre-dawn boat ride in 30-40 degree weather while getting drenched by bow spray every 4th or 5th wave you go over and going 50mph in a center console boat that has essentially zero shelter from the wind.
I’ve been on lake Vermillion on opener and it snowed but we did have beer and a bottle to take out the chill
I dont know man, grouper may have been worth it. If I was less than a state away I'd be knocking on your door but I'm plumb crazy for fresh grouper.
Nice Brandon-I've been out a few times with artificials and haven't had any luck. Weather isn't helping.
Morning bite was non existent. Was one of the best openers I’ve ever had even though I didn’t catch a walleye. So much snow. Have never had an opener like that before. We ended up getting 8 walleyes this evening. Dock boy was too good and cleaned all our fish before we could get a picture. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Uncle Jimmy enjoying a cold one after a long slow day. This man got me into hunting and fishing from a young age. He had 5 daughters so I was the sone he never had in a sense. Anyway I’m buying this boat off of him for a steal. He needs to use it for a couple more trips this summer but by fall it will be mine. 1860 Tracker duck blind edition. 75 hp merc. Brand new minn Kota, 2 new depth finders and all extras with trailer for $4000. Couldn’t pass it up for a great all purpose boat
Took my boys out Saturday morning. We caught four small catfish. Normally, I would not have bothered keeping them, but my sons caught them so in the freezer they are. Need to catch about 10 more that size before we have enough to bother cooking. Didn't even bother with pictures.