I'm ordering a new bait casting reel for my son for Christmas. When ordering you have to choose left or right handed. My question is does the left or right hand mean you reel with your left or right hand or cast with your left or right hand? My guess is it's asking which hand you reel with but thought I'd ask. I know probably a stupid question but I've never really thought about it before or ordered a reel on-line. Thanks!
Right or left means which hand you reel with. I'm right handed but I prefer Left-handed baitcasters for bass fishing because I don't like switching hands. Once you get use to it, there's no going back.
That's what I thought but I haven't bought a reel in so long I can't remember and never ordered one online. Getting a sweet deal so thanks for the response. By the way, love the avatar. Whooo!!!!! Those were some great matches with Dusty Rhodes back in the day!
I'm right handed and all of my spinning reel I reels with my left hand, so when I bought by bait caster, I bought one that reels with my left hand also. I can get more casts in because I don't have to switch hands all the time. the right hand reels just seem awkward to me.