We started out Thursday going to the local public lake (Spencer), the fishing isn't the greatest by any means, but its home and we sure as hell try: Isaac with a few bullheads: Me with my lunker: Then on Friday, me and my cousin went down to Barnesville again for catfish. We were slaying them, and caught 19 between us, but nothing bigger then 2 pounds Him: Me: One got my hand good and drew blood (rookie mistake): Then in the morning, we headed to the cabin to slay some bass. I put a 14-2 beat down on him, just wasn't his day. We didn't catch any monsters, biggest around 3 pounds i would say. The scenery was beautiful though, and we also got pretty close to a fawn that was near shore. The last few days we have been fishing a local pond for the monster channel cats. My buddy hauled in a 8 pounder, and my biggest two so far are 10 and 7 pounds. They put up a hell of a fight on 6 pound test. My buddies 8 pounder and a small snapper we caught:
We actually threw all of them back. Sometimes when were feeling adventurous we eat them, but not lately.