Dang, that's pretty crazy, I'm glad there's no large bodies of water where I hunt, just a few ponds and branches... lol. Congrats on your doe!
Nice find. Congrats on the doe. You're right, I can't believe that she didn't crash in sight of your stand.
Nice doe, Greg. Congrats! I thought you had to strip down to your boxes to retreive a deer from water. Now I'm starting to think Germ is just an exhibitionist.
Great thing about those is I was over at my neighbor's this past summer and saw them the night before he was going to put them out in their garage sale; I nabbed them for $15. Best $15 I ever spent to retrieve a deer!
^^^hahaha^^^ Great story! Glad you found her, shot looked perfect and hats off to you for going in a retriving her.
Thanks... I don't give up easily. I've been known to rent airplanes to look for deer that a friend I invited to hunt with me shot on the ground I hunt.