Shot my first turkey ever today at around 4:00 pm. Had a hen come in around 3:15, she started yelping and cutting, so I yelped and cut back at her. She left around 3:45 ish. Was send a buddy a message when I heard a twig snap to my left and seen a Tom come running in and just bulldoze my tom decoy. Grabbed my bow and buried one in the pump house. Had to track it, the killzone actually gave me a good blood trail. My buddy thought it was funny as hell I tracked a turkey like I was tracking a deer. Found blood as soon as I went into the woods where he went, then jumped him, chased him to a creek and I got hung up in some thorns. Picked up blood across the creek, up a hill, over a fence, and then circled back around and found him stuck under a log and some brush. Put another arrow in him to finish him off quickly.