First trad deer! Pic and story added. Posting from phone, pics and details Wednesday. I shot a yearling doe tonight for my first trad deer. Kanga longbow, POC shaft, and Magnus head. Heart shot, 10yds on the ground! EXCITING!
Greg. Like I said in the text message. Congrats mate well done. Makes ya wanta get rid of the training bow don't it:D
I'll be damned Greg!!! I've been waiting for this post all season, just ask Russ!!! Congratulation's my friend, very happy and excited for ya!!!
Here is a pic. I had been hunting an oak flat that had been getting hit hard. While looking for a place to set up for a north wind I found a blowdown that fell into a cedar tree. There was a perfect little pocket between the two that offered great concealment and it faced northwest. I went in Monday evening with a 5 gal bucket to sit on. I had cleared the leaves out to help keep noise down and that was the extent of my prep work. In the 4 previous hunts in this oak grove I was in a stand set up for south winds. I saw deer regularly but never had a shot opportunity with the compound. With the cold front coming I knew I'd have deer in there and needed a north wind set up. After finding that sheltered pocket I knew I needed to go in with the Kanga when the wind was right. That was Monday evening. I saw this doe walking in from the west on a trail I'd seen them use before. She was alone, I watched her wander around eating acorns for 10 minutes before she started heading towards my lane. With the cedar as a shield I quietly stood. She took a few more steps and, never having the slightest idea I was there she walked in from my right at 10 yds. I couldn't ask for a better shot opportunity. She put her leg forward, and put her head down behind an oak trunk! I drew, focused and let the POC shaft with banana cut feathers and a 125gr Magnus 2 blade fly. It was a beautiful sight and sound when my arrow found its mark. She went about 20 yards. The arrow stayed in her, hanging on by just a few inches. I had to full about 6 inches out for a passthrough. Her heart and both lungs were destroyed. Probably the best kill shot I have ever made. I can't remember the last hunt I was on that had my heart racing so hard! ( although in truth it was probably last week!). And Russ thanks for a great bow. I won't put the "training" bow away ant time soon but the longbow will see more time in the woods.
Sorry I chimed in late here but Congrats on your first brother! Well done, there to me is no better feeling than sticking them with a Longbow! Once again, congrats!