WoooHoo As I was coming home from class I noticed a small furry creature strolling around my yard. HMMMMMMM I am gonna hunt that sucker. I grabbed my trad bow and the only 2 arrows I got for it and went to work. As I put the spot and stalk on him I knew this would prove to be a tough hunt. I belly crawled up to within 12 yards of this P&Y trophy and came to full draw. THUNK hit the dirt about 4 in. low. I regrouped and regained my composure hoping that this magnificent trophy wouldnt go to far. He scurried up to his bedding area and barked at me for a min. I waited, arrow nocked and ready. He slowly crawled down from his saftey zone and as soon as he hit the ground I was back to full draw burning a hole in him with my eyes. I let loose my last hope and drilled him. He scampered back up the tree and passed on to his own little heaven. Ok now I had a problem, I had a dead squirrel in a tree and no way to get him down, the bosses wife (they live like 300 yrds from my house) was coming home soon and I sure dont think she would have appreciated my little trophy dangling from her tree, so after a few min of rock chunking I decided to do what had to be done and got the ole 12 ga. I got him down and in the process the pellets must have busted my arrow. Ahh but a small price to pay for bragging rights of your first trad bowkill. Hehe I am pumped. I think he will score 2" P&Y.
Nice! I had my first trad kill this year too. I took about 6 months and about 7 arrows but I finally stuck the pesky ground hog that "WAS" hanging around in my yard. No pictures because he made it back down his hole. However, it was a solid hit and it really boosted my confidence. Hopefully, I will get my first deer soon, can't wait!
Nice shootin!!!!!!! I love chasing those little buggers! I must of shot a 100 times at them, chipmunks and red squirrels you name it! The last day of squirrel season my arrow hit a branch and hit one sideways and nocked him out of the treetop! He got up and ran into his hole unharmed! I was sad to see our small game seasons come to a close! Congrats!
Congrats on the first of many Zach. Oh for those tree shots get some Saunders rubber blunts then you wont have to worry about the arra being stuck up there:d
I've hit tree rats center mass with rubber blunts, blown them right off limbs and had them hit the ground, flip me the "bird" and run off. :evil:
Ace are really good. I came up with this idea. On the right it's a square of construction banding with the corners bent up and a field point inserted through a drilled hole. I got the idea from Muzzy. On the left is a .357 casing with the same banding and a pop rivet on a cedar arrow.
I was always just kinda curious, if you have a fairly high poundage bow( which I dont consider mine) and aluminum arrows and you hit something pretty solid, would it bend the arrow??? I kinda want to get some but was a little unsure. Definately going to look into some small game heads.