I am a life long gun hunter and would like to get into bow hunting for the upcoming season. I unfortunately didn't have a large budget so I purchased an sas rage bow set with a 70 pound draw. I attempted to take it to my local shop to be tuned but the guy was rather rude and said we wouldn't touch any cheap off brand bows. My first question is can I realistically hunt with this bow for the upcoming season? Or do I need to wait until I can spend 500 to 1000 bucks on a bow ? I've been practicing and will continue too practice with this bow but I am currently confident to 20 yards with 6 inch groups. Is this an OK group for a beginner ? My last question is about arrows, like I said I'm shooting 70lbs with 31 inch arrows 8.7 gpi 350 spine and 100 grain fixed broad heads /practice tips. Seems like I get a little sway in my arrow initially. Should I be shooting a 300 spine ? Or even 250?