I want to hunt whitetail deer this winter and i have never bow hunted before. so i was just wondering what type of broadhead to use???
First off - welcome aboard! When it comes to broadheads there's a wide variety to choose from, each with its own ups and downs. Its really a personal decision as to which you think will work best for you. Check this article out, it will explain some of the questions you may have - http://www.bowhunting.com/publish/posts/22/choosing-a-broadhead-mechanical-vs-fixed.aspx
A sharp one... :d . But in all seriousness, many different people will suggest many different types of broadheads. Some BH's are more popular than others, some people try many kinds, while I know a lot of guys on here that stick with the "tried and true". As far as fixed blades go, I really like Slick Trick Magnums and they do a good job on a deer. Also, they fly exactly like my field points and that is a big plus. I've heard/seen a lot of good things about rage 2-blades (a mechanical head) but I have never used them. Some of the entrance and exit wounds I've seen with rage 2-blades are unbelievable. I think you'll have a lot of fun.. bowhunting is extremely addicting, so be prepared to have a skinnier wallet. Good luck to you
I've used the rage 2-blades broadheads and they work great on deer and turkeys. Fly and group just like field points.
First of all, welcome to the site and your new addiction:birthday: I've tried Muzzy 3's & 4's; Trophy Ridge Undertakers(they call them meatseekers now),steelheads & Hematics; NAPThunderHeads and Spitfires. Of all those I've tried, the only BH that I have recovered 100% of my deer have been with the NAP ThunderHead 100gr. They also fly pretty darn close to my field points. The Trophy Ridge BH's(all of three of them) I mentioned fly the most true on my setup. Every setup is different and what works for me, might not work for you. It's basically an expensive trial & error period when your'e looking for the perfect BH. For my money I can't beat that Thunderhead for whitetails. Have fun and happy hunting! And remember, all questions are good questions when it comes to learning about bowhunting so, ask away we love to help:d
The rage three blade flies exactly the same as my field tips and blasts a hole in deer that you could put a kids fist through. Welcome to the forum.