Have some snack sticks and whole meat jerky on the smoker. I hope it turns out good. These smokers are a pita to keep warm. In the middle of it all is a butter and garlic injected center cut pork roast. I'll let you guys know how it tastes.
go to lowes and pick yourself up 4 small little bricks. 1"x4" or so.. Then go and pick up a round grate for grills just smaller than the coal pan in your torpedo style smoker. Should be 13 or 14 inches in diameter.. place grate on the bricks and using a chimney starter for your coals dump your coals on the grate instead of in the bottom pan.. This will keep yours coals mostly ash free and burning consistant for much longer. Also allows for better airflow in your smoker. I have two smokers torpedo style like you have and a barrel style with a firebox on the side. Both sucked, but after some altering they smoke great and burn far less charcoal now. oh yeah, I never take my lid off loose to much smoke in heat.