Wow! That's a great shed. How long did you look? How far way was the shed from where the camera was located? Was it in a open field, timber, thicket... etc...?
But I'd shoot Mr. Cactus here if given the chance.. REALLY hope to find these!!!!! and these.... sorry getting side tracked lol
Jason I looked about 10 minutes the first night. I jumped him Cactus and a third buck.. BB I think and a bunch of does so I slipped out, yesterday was cold enough they moved out early so I watched and waited then slipped in. Found it eh 75 - 100 yds from where I jumped him the day before, on the edge of a very thick cedar thicket about 2 steps from where he had bedded. That cam is behind my house, literally in my yard pretty much, the cedar bedding area is oh 400 yds maybe 500?? Total time looking.... maybe 30 minutes...
Them are some nice bucks man. They're looking kinda small though better pass 'em up next year too ha.
I think my fav is the 8 with the split brows. Let my know if you need some help cleaning house so some new guys move in.