Shooting a little today, I killed my first arrow of the year from 48yds. Longest RH I've ever had, I would've never imagined it. I shot pretty decent, and decided I'd try to hit the arrow and DID!!! The thought crossed my mind due to a thread over on HNI on "consistency." Not a perfect RH, but a RH none the less...
I wouldn't go that far Steve, I'm pretty sure there was a little luck, but I shooting better right now than I ever have any other year in the spring after the LONG layoff. I wasn't 100% sure it was for sure, until I was about 15yds closer to the target and could see that it certainly was. Fortunately, it only cost me about $5.25 - $5.50, because I shoot cheaper arrows, which was part of the conversation on HNI, that got my wheels a spinning about TRYING to hit the arrow. Josh, I don't think I can teach anybody anything, that was just an example of how "The sun even shines on a Dog's Arse every once in a while."
Nice Doug ! you still headin to this neck of the woods in april ? ive done that a couple times from much much closer. i dont know what my problem is but im not worth a damn much past 35 yards or so ! i guess some got it and others dont !
Dave, I sent you a PM. As far as "not worth a damn...." it takes shooting a good bit, and a HEAVY focus on follow-through, and gentle trigger squeeze. At least that's my synopsis on it, and the more you shoot from longer distance, the more comfortable you get. I'll also tell you that I notice that when I start getting to the point I can't focus very well at such distance, I know it's time to get a new prescription on the glasses. Hell, Archery is why I first got glasses about 10 years ago.