Got my first deer this morning with a bow. Have to say its way more exciting then rifle hunting. I may never rifle hunt a deer again. Anyways here is a pic.
Thanks guys!! Details...well I have my stand on the edge of some trees next to a corn field and she was headed to the corn. She walked in front of my stand and stood broadside for me at 20 yrds. Took the shot and she took off for the corn where I heard her crash. I gave her some time then climbed down to find my arrow which was stuck into a tree that was behind her ( was shooting the Rage 3 blade mechanical). Then i followed the blood and found her about 60 yrds away. Very exciting being my first deer with a bow, only bad part about it was when i was boning her out I found some buck shot in her hind quarters meaning I have some idiot poachers running around.
congrats on first deer!!! Its great having all that time and work pay off!! no rifle hunt can match it. Enjoy the addiction. It will never die
Congrats..this is one you will never forget. Mine was with a bear magnum kodiak recurve, instictive and finger release...make shift ground blind and my 5 year old daugher with me. I remember every detail like it was yesterday.
Got my first one with a bow last year and I am with you, rifle hunting is not satisfying anymore. Congrats!