I shoot league on Wed nights at the shop, which is about a 20 mile drive from the house. After league I stayed a little later than norm to shoot some distance and attempt to get ready for my first outdoor shoot this Sunday. I was shooting better than I expected, seeing I have not really shot any distance at all so far this year. Just as I was getting ready to wrap things up, my bow fell off the bow holder and hit the concrete floor pretty hard. I figured I would shoot another round, just to make sure everything was still okay. I guess when the bow hit the floor it must have landed on the rest pretty good because now my group was almost 3 foot (yes, 36") to the left. I spend another hour adjusting the rest, running it thru paper and getting back to where I was at (which it still is not perfect). Finally I just had enough and decided since I was so tired I was probally doing more harm than good. In the truck (my son's truck actually) and start heading for the house. By this time it was almost midnight and the bed was sounding oh so good. I hit a stretch of road that has creek bottoms on both sides of it. I always thought that this place was a good spot to see deer, but have NEVER seen deer here in the past. Well, Wed night it changed. Out pops 7 deer, I never had a chance. On connects on the front passenger side, another connects on the front driver side. Just that quick I have two on the ground. One was a young doe, the other was a young buck. I got the buck in the head with no damage done to the body. The doe, well, she was just a mess. I leave the doe lay and throw the buck in the back of the truck. I take it a buddies farm that is about 2 miles from where I was at and gut it in the field. Spend the next couple of hours capping him out and boning the meat out, 3:30am before I get home. Well the boy's truck is pretty much a mess, he is not real happy at all, but we will get another 100lbs or so of susage out of it. Just thought I would share my crapping Wed night with you all. Thanks for listening.
Oh yeah, I feel your pain! Have some fun and figure up the KE for that hit......It's a ridiculous number....
I'll take one for the team and get fate to skip you guys, and go to the next guy in line with an F-150/Hoyt Combo....I'll go drivin down some country roads tonight lookin for trouble.:d Thank me later.
When I went out last night someone had hit a button buck a little ways from my house. He ws getting the ok from the cops to take it home and butcher it. Must be the 13th rut.
Its not illegal. You can pick up roadkill, you just have to contact the PGC within 24hrs. http://www.pgc.state.pa.us/pgc/lib/pgc/digestpdfs/2008/7_generalhuntingregulations.pdf
I think you can get a permit for it here in MN. Not sure if you have to do it before, or within 24hrs though. Never found one that I would take?!?
Chevy??? Isn't that the company that declared it will likely go bankrupt? I'll keep the F-150, cheaper to maintain that a Chevy!