Hi all, hoping I can gather some clear answers/input Decided to get my first bow, looking at the HOYT ignite, I'm from UK and I am struggling to find info on any of the archery retail sites. What do I need with my bow so it is ready to accurately shoot and begin practising and get down to my local range. Sights, arrow rest, arrows, wrist release, bow quiver? All help appreciated. Samule
you will need a sight, rest, release, arrows, i would recommend a 6 inch stabilizer, and of course the bow to start shooting. you may also want to go to the local shop and have them set you up with a peep sight, a kisser, and d loop. you also may want them to help you with your draw length and weight and help you pick out arrows so you are properly set up. I would recommend a cheaper quiver because when you are shooting it may be easier to start off shooting without it on.
Cheers for the responses. There is not a proper archery shop anywhere near me, I have asked some of the online retailers a similar question to my first post, hoping they can set me up a ready to shoot bow, the HOYT ignite I can set my own draw weight and length so I'll see what works for me. What would a sight set up look like ? Will just a pin sight and peep sight work? Help a noob out I just want to get shooting!
Get you a regular pin sight and a peep sight! You will also need to get it tuned. Look up how to French tune or walk back tune. If you had a bow shop you could get it paper tuned instead.
without a bow shop close, tuning the bow can be a PITA, if ya have never done it before, and of course the first step to any tuning is to ensure the cams are timed properly and for that you need a bow press to add or remove twists as needed.... check around for any archery clubs in your area if no shops available... get to know the members and I'm sure there will be someone that has the knowledge and equipment to help ya get set up right... Archery is a great and addicting sport, but if your not setup right ya can become disillusioned quickly and end up hating it..
Welcome to the site. A bunch of great guys and gals here. My advice is find the closet shop and make the trip. I have to travel an hour and a half to get to mine. Have fun.