Ive only been a member here for a few days, but it must have given me some luck, Tonight, i shot my first archery whitetail. I was on stand for about 6 minutes when a doe came cruising up a ridge and into my shooting lane. The shot was about 20 yards, and she ran all of 75 before piling up. Heres the catch, Right after she had expired, i turned to see a GIANT buck sneaking out the way she came. He had to have been on her trail, but since this is my first year after deer with archery tackle, i couldn't resist the chance at spilling blood. Obviously feeling alot of different emotions right now, but extremely happy to get a deer down in my first season :D
Congrats on your first archery deer. You will be hooked for life now. Yep...when you shoot a doe this time of the season you are potentially killing bait.
I wanna add in that the little snot stole my broadheads to whack this beast...and my brothers coat...and hat...but whos keeping track anyways? :D Congrats again Ryan
No, he hasn't been spotted in a while. One of my families good friends claims to have seen Freak Daddy run out of a gully from behind my house last Thursday. This gully is where my mineral site is located, and where 99.9% of FD's pictures were taken last year. I live right on the edge of the sanctuary farm where he spends most of his time.