My brother gave me a hand this weekend and helped me finish hinge cutting Maples down around the edge of my clover plot. We only got about 2/3 of it done last year and it really helped the clover grow. We probably tipped over 100 trees. Can't wait to see the results.
Very cool, heard alot of good things about selective cutting trees for both the woods and deer growth- let alone the good it should do for the food plot!
Thanks for the replies guys. One thing I found out is that it is much easier to wrestle the trees to the ground before they leaf out. They slide through the other branches with less effort.
Black berries have popped up quite a bit. I also noticed that a lot of the oaks that were left standing have started to produce lower branches.
I guess the pics aren't close up enough to see the hinge cuts but they are there. The brush piled up around the edges is from when I cleared the plot.
Plenty of shooting lanes now! Looks good! Hoping to do the exact same thing when I get my own piece of property
Untrained eye huh... maybe since you titled the thread "Finished my hinge cutting" you should actually show pictures of the hinge cut areas.
Can we please get a real good close up of the actual cuts on the trees? Lol These pictures are showing the hinged areas at a far so you can see the actual blocked paths and created routes with a better perspective. Good work, will be starting mine this month!
You open a thread that is 8 months old and accuse me of not really hinge cutting. I explain that I really did hinge cut and that is not good enough for you. Then you tell me I should have taken better pics?? Go pound sand. You want better pics, take them yourself. If you don't like my thread, get the hell off of it and go find a better one DB.
Why does it matter how old the thread is? If it wasnt 8 months old you would have different pictures? I simply stated in my first post that it didn't look like you hinge cut anything, you had some smart comment about an untrained eye. Several other people have also stated they dont see any hinge cuts and you say that the pics you posted didn't show the hinge cut areas. I don't see why your getting all worked up when you are the one who posted pics of a brush pile.