this is my first attempt at making a back quiver. it turned out pretty decent, and it matches the armguard i made, here's some pics, hope you all like it
Dude, If I was a tradster I would be trying to get you to make me one for $$$ you could easily sell those. great work!! now about those pink fletchings :D
yes pink fletching , i now only buy arrows with white feathers, when i got them 4 years ago for shooting my dads recurve it was those or brown and black, so i took the pink
Excellent work. Very well done. Looks like I p.m.ed you back a little late. You did an excellent job. Do you tan your own hides? If so, do you brain, bark, or chem tan them. Looks like the leather came out great.
thanks i was fairly satisfied with the results, hoping my next one will be better. i don't tan the hides myself, i'm allergic to deer hair/ dander so i avoid messing with them as much as i can. i used to take them to a place to tan them, but i haven't had any of my recent year deer tanned, saved me 5 bucks at the butcher, if i could go back i'd get them tanned, never thought i'd do anything with the hides, hind sight is 20/20
Beautiful job on the quiver and arm guard. You should be proud. Now let's see a pic of it with the new recurve.