I killed a button tonight. Thought it was a mama with her young one. they came running in being pushed by a spike. I had to get up grab the bow, bleat to stop em. make a very quick shot on an alert deer at 17 yds.. Hit him right in the spine. he dropped. he weighed 60 lbs which is an average weight for a doe here.. I tried to post pics from my phone but it kept saying error need to contact the site?? anyways, I saw 6 deer and my son saw 3.. he didn't get a shot but he was just so happy to see deer and for me. Been a long season and a tough one, but now I just need him to get redemption and my year is complete!! Im not happy about the spine shot, but it is what it is.
mentoring my oldest son, he's 15, has been such a joy. it's a lot of work for sure. But he has learned so much since his first hunt last year. He's using his climber more efficiently, he actually was able to come down tonight on his own and make his way to me for once instead waiting for me to come get him. He's learned how to read deer sign, find white oaks, look at tracks, rubs and scrapes and droppings. He has learned how to sit still and not move when deer find him in the tree and look into his eyes. He has become my best hunting partner and friend.. sure, I have to hunt differently now than I used to. I don't put much into hunting for a big buck like I did. We just hunt deer. I remember being his exact age and had my first compound.. I didn't have a mentor. Nobody bowhunted around here or in my family.. But it didn't keep from it.. I am thankful that I am able to have him with me to celebrate my 65th bow kill. My hope is to get his first. We have Friday afternoon, and all day Saturday to make it it happen.
Hunting or fishing with the kids is most rewarding. Your description of his progress in tracking, setting up the tree stand, etc., is a credit to you as a teacher. You have introduced him to a lifetime of enjoyment in the field and woods. I have a grandson that is getting into hunting and fishing in a big way. Most of my grandkids like to fish. The best part, as we all know, the taking of any kind of game is the icing on the cake. We don't necessarily have to go home with something for the freezer or crock pot. I'm thinking of a time I was hunting in Kentucky. I thought I heard a deer coming up behind me. After a long, long time listening to the rustle of leaves, I thought that had to be the slowest deer in the state. My deer was a box turtle, slowing crawling through the dry leaves. Had to admire the critter as he never slowed down or wandered off course. Just kept going. He might have been racing a rabbit to the finish line. That was about 40 years ago and remember it as if it were yesterday.
There is nothing more rewarding to a dad or daughter/son than hunting with each other. Congrats VA. You're doin it right.
Congrats way to stick with and have fun with your son the memories your making will last both of your lifetimes