After a disappointing outing with Dukemichaels on Saturday I found this baby in the field behind my house. Measures about 65" with a broken brow tine and a broken G3. If symmetrical and assuming at least a 18" spread, this buck is over 148". Not bad for suburban Chicago
That hurts Dan. The good Dr forgot to mention however.. that we were beat. A trespasser already hit up the Dr.'s piece of ground.. we had boot prints all over and even a missing treestand.
Nice find Andy, thanks for the phone call today. Now, I'm anxious to see the rest of the pictures. Congratulations on a great weekend.
As you requested Rob! This shed I found about 200yds from the previous one and at first thought it was the other side. It was however another left side. My attempts at scoring it come out to 72" (lets call it 70" for fudge factor) As I continued into a marshy area behind a school and next to a residential neighborhood I found this There are only two possible explanations for this skull ( I already cleaned it and bleached it. It's been dead for a year or two and not damaged by rodents at all). This deer may have been hit by a car, or it's the buck I gut shot in 2006. Duke helped me try to find it but we stopped about 200yds short of this spot.
Fantastic finds Andy and it sure would be nice to have that closure from 06. Either way, I'm glad it's in your hands. So how did the rest of today go? Any luck, PM me if necessary. Are you buying that lotto ticket? :d
Nicely done Andy. I have a picture of this buck from 2007.. just to let you know. Taken about 2 miles away. Very distinct antler characteristics in this area. I'll show you sometime this week. Bring the antlers to your office on Thursday.. I'll be accompanying my wife.:d