Finally today the weather was good enough (30 degrees) and I didn't have to work, that I got to shoot my new Martin. What an experience it was. A friend of mine was giving me pointers and helping me learn the basic art of the recurve. I was doing ok at first, but then I started to focus more on my anchor point being the same every shot and that seems to really help. There are so many little details that are SO different from the compound bow that I didn't realize. Even after one traditional shooting lesson, I have a greater respect for those of you that shoot traditionally!! I want to say thanks for all the adivce from your experienced guys and any more is greatly appreciated! __________________________________________________ ugg boots uggs
Fred, best of luck to you. I received some great advice from these guys last spring when I first started shooting. Try to pick out one thing you can focus on each practice session. Just the other day I felt really good shooting but something was wrong. I was dropping my bow arm when I was shooting every other shot or so. I just focused on that one thing and my shots improved rapidly.