Woo Hoo, They are finally getting the corn around the lease next to home on one of the fields. two more fields to go though, on that lease. I thought it would still be way to wet, guess not. this has been killing my hunting. :D Im just happy, so there!! :D
They started cutting the corn on Thursday down at one of hte places I hunt. Anxious to go later this week to check it out!
I think tomorrow will be a cutting day here ... after the rain died yesterday, that wind dried everything up real quick ... add the all day sun today ..... I can tell you this, I will be in my stand all day as they sqeeze outta the corn ,,,
Closest corn is about 3/4 mile north of my property. Still have standing beans. I know its not good for the farmers but I wont be mad if they stay in until January!!! Think I could draw some deer late season with 80 acres of standing beans???
At least some of the stuff is getting out. Our farm has 90 acres of corn and 90 acres of beans, and it's all still standing. The farmer still has another 85 acres of beans at another place that he is starting on tomorrow, then he is moving to the beans on our piece. However, it will be at least 2 weeks until the corn is out, so the orange army will be the winners on this deal unfortunantly.
The farmer that own the land I hunt got his combine hung up this afternoon on some of his land that I don't hunt. You know it's muddy when you hang up a combine.
I may need gas to get back to PA Bloodcrick to my area i got yours first as you asked now help me!!!! hehehehehe
I hear ya, Rob... afraid my area farmers would run into what Todd's did; it's wet out there. I think a lot of farmers are going to have the corn rot on the stalk this year... and it sucks for deer hunting big-time.
My stands are over a harvested bean field with standing corn all around me. Now, it's started to rain, this ain't looking so good.