My dad and I went out for a morning hunt today. Low and behold, he got one. More impressive is that he saw one! We did get to the land kinda late, the sun was very visible. lol. So, we got dressed, and wandered off our separate ways. He went to one side of the creek, and I went towards the other, where my uncle, and I each have a stand placed. But, real quick, this past weekend, I got lazy, and broke my plan of walking the extra 100yds to my uncles stand. I went to mine instead. That was my mistake. I watched a nice doe, and her yearling walk right down the road behind me, and straight at his stand. This time, I was determined to stick to my plan. I walked straight to his stand. Wrong... At about 0945, I heard a loud freakin noise from over where my dad should be, across the river. So, I sat, and watched to see if anything came my way. Nothing. Then my phone rings, he said he got one, and missed its friend. As we were talking, I looked out to see this frickin' deer walk into the woodline, and make the most perfect B-Line straight to my frickin' stand! :evil: I told my dad what I saw, he wasn't happy. What he thought was a miss, turned out to be the CLOSEST shave, that deer will ever get. This thing was missing a patch of fur on her back, the size of a softball. He got down, looked at his arrow, looked around. huh. No blood, just fur. He cleaned the deer (1st one), went back to the vehicle, had some coffee. We agreed to meet up at about 1030. So, by this time, I got down, and went over to where I saw the deer enter the woods. Saw nothing. I couldn't believe it. That close, and no blood. He is using three blade mech. broadheads. How can this be? Long story short, it made his day, he didn't wound one, he did get one, and I went hunting...At least we are out there. It's always fun. I did get to watch some turkeys for a good while. Now I just need to work on staying up until I get off work. (midnight) arghhh!
1st off congrats to your dad on getting the other deer!! What do you mean just because "he's using the 3 blade mechs that there wasn't no blood and just hair"?
MNKK, I swear murphy's law was written about deer hunting, at least for me. sounds like you could easily agree:d your dad's deer, the one he missed...I think I found it...
First off, This guy never misses. I mean never. He would not take a shot if he did not know that 100% it was going to be good. But the Question was, With the shape of the three blades making a triangle, How did this manage. It honesly had some SERIOUS hair loss going on. It looked like he did it with clippers! lol. I followed the path that it took from the time I saw it, to the time it left my view. When I did see it, there was no blood visible, there was no blood on the ground... it's just crazy to me. I thought it was a very cool miss. I am sure that we all agree that we would rather completely miss a deer than injure, and not retrieve one... PS, Minnesota, don't any of you have family torturing you tonight? Seems like we are all on here?
If only that pic was today, I might agree. lol. but I think this deer (pic) is a little smaller. Not much, but a little.
did you notice the hair loss on the picture of this doe? that's why I posted it. My son drew hair on this one about four days before this picture was taken. we got a good laugh out of it after we saw the picture. felt a lot better when we saw it was simply a miscalculation of distance, resulting in a reverse sideways mohawk. keep at it. there's a month left!
I know. I did see the patch. What I meant was that if that pic was taken today, I might agree that it was the same one. (jokingly) I can tell you this pic was taken alot farther north from where we were. I'm still not sure how my dad missed the second one. The last time he missed something was the same day that his previous bow broke. I think it was Karma. He was trying to kill a coyote that was heading my way. The morning after I told him that I have yet to see any in MN. (I still have yet to see them, but when I do!!! it will be going down. I figure someone has to stand up for the grouse, and phesants. lol) I did see a skunk this morning though. That was also on my list of things that I have not seen in MN.
That deer got lucky no doubt!! A miss Is always better then a wound. I remember a doe I missed with my recurve one evening right over her back. I use 3 blade Magnus Snuffers (1 1/4 cutting diameter) and I shaved the hair completely off of her skin. It was quite noticeable being It was In December and she already had a winter coat. But that's how It goes. As the old saying goes "that's bow hunting for ya".