Passed on a spike Tuesday in the wind storm. Held out for either a big doe or a mature buck. Went back yesterday morning and saw a ginormous yote. Looked like a German Shepherd but I couldn't get a shot. I thought I was done but looked down 5 minutes later and a real nice fat doe came in and I single lunged her. Though there was lots of blood, I waited about 2 hours anyway. I am glad I waited because she went about 150yards into a flooded bottom. Turns out she was a he; a 120lb (live/estimated) spike. I just didn't see the spikes and they were plenty long to see. I was disappointed in myself that I shot a spike but am grateful for the freezer meat. My wife cooked up a shoulder roast for supper and as always it was incredible. She is such a good game cook and a great life partner.
Nice job Muzzy Man! I am in the same boat you were. I haven't arrowed anything this year, but I am going to give it one more try this weekend. I have a meeting with the district forester on our property in the morning, but I hope to be in a stand Friday afternoon and the rest of the weekend.
DTK, get it done buddy and we will be in the lead! Seriously, best of luck and enjoy your time in the woods. Muzzy man...great job. Sounds like you have some great freezer meat and a great wife. Congrats!
Thanks, I still have another month and am finally starting to see deer on the farm. I have a spot where I usually get a big one and will be checking it out tomorrow morning. More to come I hope... a lot of friends are asking for sausage so I am hoping for a nice baldnobber and an old timer before the season ends. Our place is funny, we usually either see a lot of deer or none. Either way, I praise Him for His many blessings.