I'm heading out to hunt with the Predator...yea! It's been 2 years since I had a place to use it. I'm gonna try something I haven't done yet and that is I'm gonna use my pop-up ground blind. It should be interesting. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Checked the weather, wind will be all wrong for that property. Maybe next time. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
What website do you use to check the wind? I look at weather.gov, but it has been so inaccurate that I don't even bother anymore. It seems to me that wind direction is the least accurate part of the forecast.
I have weather bug on my phone. Gives the wind and satellite in real time. Can be set up to show your current location if you travel quite a bit. Also shows sunrise/set.
Depending on the topography you're hunting, every website will be wrong a decent amount. I very rarely check it on line anymore.