Good bye Canada......hello WI and IL!!!! After being here at camp since May 1, the time has finally come, tomorrow, to head back home and spend the rest of the fall doing what I love most. It's going to be good getting back into the treestand searching for that unbelieveable 10 second high that compares to nothing else on this planet. Johnny and I are heading to the lease in IL on Friday to hunt next weekend with JZ and Duke. How long we stay depends on what we're seeing. Then its back to WI to hunt the family land, then back to IL. Bucks beware!!!!!
Good luck....Never really thought it was possible to Head South and end up in Wisconsin! LOL Hope you smack a few big ones!
Good luck Dan and soon, welcome home. I hope Big Rob shows himself to you and then you show him to us.
I always found that a little amusing myself. Heading "south" for winter. I hope he shows up in front of any of the 4 of us. If he's still there, he'll be a toad! I do know for a fact, if one of us sees him, you'll see him not long after....dead or alive. Oh, I believe Duke is the least of our JZ................ :D