Well I finally got my bow. A PSE Stinger 3g. Cabelas was the only one stocking them so I made the drive. The bow tech seemed to set me up nicely. Adjusted the draw length and peep. At about maybe the 30th shot, my peep broke. While inspecting what happened I noticed what looks like some fraying on the bow string near the peep. I'm no expert but this looks like a crappy tie job. And did this tech mess up my string tieing in my peep? Also, what arrow would you suggest to start tuning? I'm running 50# draw with 26.5" draw length. I tried to attach a pic, we'll see if it works. Thanks in advance for any help!!
Is it just me or is that string definitely starting to fray around the peep. Almost looks unsafe. Go to eastonarchery.com and put in all your info itll tell you the weight of arrows you should use for your bow.
I would call and complain to Cabelas about this. You bought it from them so you should be able to send it back to them and get it fixed for free or maybe even call PSE directly and tell them whats the issue.
That's exactly what I was thinking!! Unsafe!! Could this have happened while tieing in the peep? It almost looks like he tried to separate the bpwstri g without a press. I've already activated the warranty with PSE, do you all think this could be warranted are ****s? I don't wanna make the 2hrs drive to cabelas of I don't have to.
Yeah that "tech" definitely jacked your string up installing that peep, and you are probably going to be stuck going back to Cabela's since they did the work on it. They need to replace that string for you.
^^^Yess sirr what Schuls said. I would get them to give me a new string and then go to a local pro shop and have them put on the peep after that job.
def go back there and get what u deserve... a new sting and a good quality work done on your bow, thats completely unacceptable. sorry you had to go through an experience like this. usually at the cabelas I've been to the people working there are genuinely good people and know their stuff. Good luck!
I would be pissed if my string looked like that. It should be an easy fix though, and like others have said, Cabela's is usually very easy to work with. I order a lot of stuff from them and they have treated me very well. Good luck.
Well, I had today off and the wife had an appointment to have her sleeve finished, so I packed the kids in the car and headed back to Cabelas in Hamburg, PA. The tech that set me up wasn't there thank god, so another tech set me up. He said the original string was messed up pretty good, the nocking point was off and there was no draw stop installed. He had me take the first bow to customer service for a credit while he grabbed a brand new one off the rack and started setting it up for me. He spent some time getting the sight and peep dialed in also. All in all a much better experience and end result this time. That's how you make a customer happy. I will definitely ask for Tim next time I take the bow in. But seeing Lancaster Archery is about 1/4 of the drive time, that will probably be my pro shop. Thanks guys for all of the help!!
Great to hear that, especially them replacing the entire bow! Now THAT is some good customer service.