After all these hours in the woods already this year I finally managed to take down my first ever deer! About 5:55 pm last night I decided it was now or never. I had been hearing what I believed to a deer just out of sight to my west. I blew my grunt call a couple times hoping if it was a buck he would wander over. When I stopped calling there she was. A beautiful mature doe. She had snuck up on me to my east and was now about 5 yards away from my stand. My bow was still hanging in the tree and I couldn't reach for it. She worked her way directly in front of me and stopped right in front of my stand. When she turned her head I reached for my bow. I got to about 1/2 draw and she turned and looked up in the tree right at me. Now I'm frozen there at 1/2 draw with my arms starting to shake and she knows something is up. The wind had died down and I'm pretty sure she caught a bit of my scent. She turned and ran about 20 yards to the top of a ridge and was now about 30 yards from me. I grunted at her and she not only stopped but turned and took a step back toward me. I knew it was now or never so I let it fly and threaded the arrow right in between a tree and some tall bushes. She ran about 70 yards before swimming the creek and climbing out onto a small island where she laid down and died. We let her go for about an hour before starting to track. The bloodrunner did its job to say the least and left us with a beautiful blood trail. Stayed up 1/2 the night processing her. Now its time to get her in the freezer! Thanks to everyone that has given me advice on here. I've learned a lot since joining. Going back out tomorrow to try to find a big boy.
was it still nursing when u shot it lol just playing congrats on ur first deer.. i just had to finally give someone else some **** after my first one i heard that same line..