Thats it!! all this talk is got me motivated :d Ill pull the trigger!! :d I to am 5-10"- 193 and have the 34 waist. I know it could easily be a 32,( I was in 38-40 two years ago) Id me more than happy with 32. I have slowed down on my chest, its getting way ahead of everything else. (genetics) Peak, im glad to see you stepping up to the plate your right, a fun challenge will help one stay on path!! Good luck Greg, Peak and everyone else. Now i need an informercial!!
I feel if we can get a few more fellow hunters on board we can do this with a team concept based on percentages lost. We don't have to post our weight here but we can pick someone involved in this with us to report our weight via PM or Email. Greg I did take a before pic about a month ago and have since gained about 5lbs which stinks. Congrats on already losing a inch that is great. Yes you need to do stretching exercises that include the whole body. I also have something you can incorporate into your workout using bands which you can get at walmart for I believe $10. Once we get closer to kicking this off I will post the exercises to be use if anyone is interested. I do weight for 2 weeks then switch to the bands for a week then back to the weights. This coming week I will post my idea on how we can do this challange.
Dan, I kept waiting on the infomercial because I could have sworn it said about asking for the free upgrade to the prograde resistance band when you call. Well, I did and found out that that "upgrade" includes several more CDs and is quite a bit more expensive. So, I could have just ordered it off their website even sooner. ( The phone number's on the top-right of the page if you prefer to do it that way as well... OK RJ, I see ya lurking big boy... You were one of the ones I was thinking of when I made this thread. In the words of Ben Bailey from "Cash Cab"... Whad'ya say? You in? :d
Dan, that's EXACTLY what I was about a month ago... I just weighed myself and I'm 189.4 now, so we'd be starting off VERY close.
I am 6' and up to 243lbs. But this would be based on percentages so the people who don't have as much to lose can still win. Back in 2003 I was up to 252lbs and in 4 months got down to 180lbs. I have a friend who had written out a whole program for me and it worked great. Prob was I got stuck on what next to stay at that weight. I have since seen a nutritionilist so when I get down to my desired weight I have a better idea. Just to add my friend said if you are serious about losing you need to start with a herb/fiber type cleanse. They have one called ultimate cleanse you take 1 pill of each in the morning and 1 each in the evening. No you don't chit your brains out either. You need to get a lot of impurities out of your system before you start. The cleanse he had me on I had 10 fruits and 10 vegetables I could only eat for 10 days. 4X a day I had to eat 5 boiled egg whites so basically in 10 days I had eaten 200 egg whites. He describe this cleanse as one at the molecule level type and I have to tell you I felt dang good. I still have this program on my computer and might try it someday again. It involved some products but kind of expensive but at the time it was worth it.
I bet you were looking great at 180... I've got a book around here about a cleansing-type program as well. A friend of mine has done it a few times and spoken highly of it. I need to see if I can find it. If I can find it I wouldn't mind doing it before I start my P90X program. I may have loaned it to my mother... hmmm.
sounds great guys Guys ill tell you what, (water) has been the best thing i ever did, and alot of it, I have totally cut out pop, sweet tea, but still have that ocasional Brewsky water carries all the nutrients where it is needed!! Keeps one hydrated to. I read where most people are way dehydrated!! I had headaches for a week after i cut the soda pop and sweets. My body was in withdraws Thanks for the needed motivated, I was still doing well but in a rut.
That's another thing I'm trying to focus on too, Dan... I'm taking a liter bottle of water with me in the morning when I leave the house, and trying to drink it all before noon and then fill up and drink it again before I get home. I KNOW I wasn't getting enough water, and I also know it's going to help me drop the weight and cut the fat as well.
Greg, i just did my first video of P90X and i feel like throwing up. I havent done much since i wrestled in college a few years ago and that video was an eye opener. My brother has been using P90X for atleast 6 months now and he is very pleased. Good luck
I've heard a lot of good things about p90x. The only thing about it though is that you need to be dedicated to getting in shape because it's a program that will kick your butt in the beginning, and still be challenging as you continue.
Bloodcrik is right about the water thing... when I weighed 226... I quit drinking ANYTHING but water, Still do, water is all I drink, I went from 226 down to 198, with any other changes in my diet. But I believe the water has done all it can do with my present lifestyle, because Ive been between 198 and 202 for a while now... PS, I weighed everytime with my boots/clothes on... it's probably more like from 223 down to 195.
Try even stomaching enough food to eat 5000 calories like a lot of college and pro athletes trying to gain wait....insane
haha, cant change that. My nickname has always been fats even though i've never been. Got the nickname from being able to eat so much food.
This should be turned into a friendly little competition!! I have been contemplating trying to get back into shape! I am 24yr old 5'11" at 220lbs, way out of shape!! I have a goal of getting back down to 185-190 like I was after highschool! I just rejoined my gym last Monday, but got serious with it today and went and got some supps and am going to try a High Protein, very Low carb, low fat, moderate calorie diet instead of the low calorie diets I have done in the past!! I plan to start cutting some weight and hopefully be down to my goal in a few months!! Wish me luck like I do for the rest of ya'll!!! ohhhh and about the P90X a buddy of mine just picked it up a month or so ago and it definantely looks like the cat's meow if you stick to it with a proper diet!!
We have been talking about some friendly comp. but mainly to keep everyone on track to there goals Keep us updated on how yours goes!! and good luck to you as well!
Funny to see this topic, I've been thinking about pulling the trigger myself for the last few weeks. The only thing that's kept me back is my schedule for the few weeks....too much time on the road. I really want to do it, but it may be another 4 weeks before I'm able to dedicate enough time for it. I'm currently 5'10" and a saggy 186#. I was at 188# late summer of 2005 and returned home from a hard fall of hunting at camp to be 164# and never felt better. Keep the updates coming boys and I'll probably be joining you in a month!