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Finally get to name my bow

Discussion in 'Bowhunting Talk' started by IAhunter, Oct 10, 2009.

  1. IAhunter

    IAhunter Weekend Warrior

    Apr 1, 2009
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    Iowa county, Iowa
    A friend called me up on Friday and asked if I wanted to go out hunting today. Sure, I said, I don't have my license yet or a bow tag. Let alone I haven't shot my bow since last year. So anyway I spend the better part of Friday getting my license and tag, checking my gear and finding everything. I figure I can at least go out and sit in the stand for awhile while my "Deer Terminator" friend has his fun. I hate having someone go out alone if they don't want to.

    Now as to this bow I haven't shot yet this year. It was given to me 3 years ago and I have eaten tag sandwiches ever since. It is an old Fred Bear Whitetail 2. Nice and heavy with a 70# draw weight. Just your average starter bow. (ha ha)

    5:15 am, friend arrives. 5:45 we get to the farm. 6:00, I am in my stand, half asleep. Around 7:15 I have to urinate. Well, the wind is in my favor. 7:20, a big sow raccoon decide my pee area smells pretty good. 7:21 I decide NOT to waste an arrow and the coon waddles off. 7:30, looking around I see a spike buck not 15 yards away. Buck sees me. We look at each other for about a minute. I decide to take a picture with my cell phone, as I forgot the camera. I take 2 pics and the buck still is there looking around. Ok, I decide I will try for him because even though he is a spike he looks pretty chunky. I get my bow and accidentally smack it against the tree stand. I look and the buck is still there. That is when I fully decide this guy has to be taken out of the gene pool. I draw up on him and wait until I have a good shot. THWACK! Not exactly a bulls eye. I thought I totally missed him. He runs about 50 yards and stops. I'm thinking he is sitting there wiggling his butt at me taunting me. Then he falls and rolls down the hill a little bit. That was an awesome feeling. I have killed deer before but never with a bow that was all mine. We have a tradition that after a hunting weapon has drawn blood it needs a name. Now I just have to figure out what I want to call the old Bear. Ha, maybe I just did. Ol' Bear. I like that.

    Stay tuned and I hope to have many more stories of me and Ol' Bear.
  2. Aaron

    Aaron Grizzled Veteran

    Jul 31, 2008
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    First bowkill... Congrats! and that is a Beast of a bow your carrying... but where are the pics??
  3. IAhunter

    IAhunter Weekend Warrior

    Apr 1, 2009
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    Iowa county, Iowa
    Sorry, only one that you can see anything in is the dead pic.

    Attached Files:

  4. Aaron

    Aaron Grizzled Veteran

    Jul 31, 2008
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    Awesome!! Congrats Again!

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