Yesterday on the news, they showed how file sharing programs like kazaa and limewire give hackers access to more than the music or video files that were meant to be shared. They were able to download income tax returns, student applications and other personal information. The report also stated that a lot of programs aimed at children have malware encoded in them to allow hacker access to your computer. With today's economy, identity theft is skyrocketing and we need to be aware of the hazards out there.
Same thing carrying over from the Napster days. I trashed one computer by downloading more than the music I thought I was getting from Napster. Now I just end up paying for the music through iTunes. Much safer and quite honestly, you will spend more money in the long run if your identity is stolen and you have to fight to get it back.
Identity Theft is no laughing matter, but if mine were stolen, I'd make the thief pay me to take it back! lol
I install a lot of broadband during the course of my day. Just this morning the computer I was working on had Limewire and I warned this customer of just that. He said he knew, I said as long as you know. I see it alot, Limewire that is. I mention the file sharing so at least they know.
I no longer use Lime wire. It messed up my old computer bad...and some people got some stuff i didnt want to get out. Now i just listen to it on YouTube or my buddy uses his junk laptop tp DL stuff.
I had my old laptop get trashed from Limewire. I spent several hours with my little brother getting all the tracking software and viruses off that thing. I still use the old computer and only store pics of Deer and music, if the fraudsters want me then they will get a lot of Bucks for their bang
I always threaten to delete limewire off my computer, but frankly...there is nothing on here I could give two rips about them having. I have good antivirus programs in place, and so long as you are smart about which files you download, you can usually avoid all problems...mine still works without a hiccup (computer that is). If a hacker got into my system, they would get some free music, a BUNCH of hunting pics, and about 50 gb worth of hunting footage. Have at it, everything is already backed up on an external drive that I personally need anyway. LOL