I am looking for just a broadhead target that will last. I see this one listed and like the price but wonder how these stand up if anyone knows. Figure by this, I can buy 2 for the price of most other BH targets. Any other suggestions are always welcome. http://www.bowhunting.com/shopping/Products/FIELD-KING-BROADHEAD-TARGET__CK20.aspx
Yes I am fully aware the Rinehart is the benchmark. What I am asking is does it last TWICE as long as this target because I can get 2 of them for that price. I am trying to avoid spending $100, if I can. I was also looking at the Bone Collector that I can get at a local sporting goods for $64.00 on sale. http://www.bowhunting.com/shopping/Products/BONE-COLLECTOR-BH-TARGET__M230.aspx
I have never shot that other target so I don't know how it compares. The rinehart is much better than the Morrell yellow jacket BH target and another nice thing I like about the rinehart is that you can shoot FP's into it also. When checking my tune I shoot a BH and then shoot a FP. You can really tell if they "fly together" that way
Okay, I admit I am new to tuning so bear with me. But I thought that typically fixed heads will fly a little different than field points. Specifically in my situation, my broadheads group well at 10y, 20y and 30y (I have not shot 40y yet. Hope to do that soon). I have my sight set for consistant location for my BH's right now. But my field points all go 3” left at 10 y, 20y , 30y and 4” left at 35y. What does this mean? Out of tune or just the nature of a fixed head comapred to FP? Furthermore, you said get your FP and BH’s flying together. Is that possible in every situation?
There are other factors to consider but that may be the indication of your spine being a bit weak. You could check this by turning your limb bolts out a full turn which will lower your draw weight around 3 pounds or so. Then see where the FP's and BH's hit in relation to each other. Ideally you would set your centershot and nock point before starting to do any tuning but, for just checking, adjusting your DW will give you some good feedback for now. IMO, yes it is possible in every situation if you take the time to build the arrow correctly (correct spine, decent FOC, squared ends and inserts). I've shot different BH's on the same arrow and same bow with good results.I shot reconfigured arrows (different FOC/spine/BH) and they did well after tuning bow and arrow together. IMO, if you can't get BH's and FP's hitting together then something is wrong. From what I read on forums it is usually a spine problem with the arrow. My BH's and FP's fly the same to a minimum of 45 yds and I often check out to 55 yds.
Was watching a target review on youtube.com yesterday. Stand clear of the block and yellowjacket. 18 in 1 has a warrenty it looks like. youtube showed that AWT king was the best target. Check out: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nfOSIRk2LiY
Definately check this out: http://www.archerytargets.com/ Apparently they're pretty cheap. Maybe $50?
Well if it is a spine issue I am NOT going to do anything for now other than tune. I have a dozen pretty new arrows (some not shot yet) and I am NOT going to replace them 1 month before the season. I could see as those arrows start to dwindle I will consider getting different ones. I've had two people tell me by looking at my signature that my spine is actually too stiff. Well according to this chart: http://dev.carbonexpressarrows.com/cms/sites/all/themes/gorillastandstheme/catalogFiles/2009_Arrow_Guide.pdf I should be using a 350 arrow based on my 58lbs draw and 31" long arrow. What is funny is if I had 57lbs or under draw weight it says to use a 250 arrow. So I am just at the low limit of this arrow. This arrow that I am shooting is what my bow shop recommended based on the fact I may choose to up my draw weight sometime in the future. So technically, by the book I should be Ok on spine. But from what I am understanding, these charts are just a starting point and I may be better with a 250 in the future.
Since the new real topic of this thread I am going to copy and paste some of this to the technical forum. This really doesn’t belong here anymore. Link to new post: http://forums.bowhunting.com/showthread.php?p=84045#post84045